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Joyful meeting in our lifetime. Because of love, LO and PH went to a love pact and built this cozy little store together. Although it is small in size, it is proud of the unique characteristics of each item. The store mainly serves Christian brothers and sisters, and all the merchandise is independently designed by LO and operated by PH and LO hand in hand. These items not only incorporate LO's deep love for God and Jesus, but also LO's unique practical and fashionable design concepts. We are committed to creating a unique niche for our brothers and sisters to call their own.

The word part of the logo, PHIL121, represents the twenty-first verse in the first chapter of the book of Philippians in the Bible, and the colorful half-circle graphic symbolizes the empty tomb of Jesus, signifying the rebirth of hope. We chose to present it in color because we hope it can also be a touch of colorful expectation in your heart.


Our Logo

Short Story

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